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  • Landscape Units of BC

    Use the + or - buttons to zoom in and out. You can pan around the map by clicking on it and and dragging. Click on any object (polygon) to learn the name of the landscape unit, the biodiversity option assigned to the unit and its areal extent.

    There are three layers to this map: Landscape Units, TFLs and legal Old Growth Management Areas. The presence of OGMAs in a landscape unit (dark green polygons) indicates land use planning by the Ministry of Forests was completed and an estimate of the timber harvesting land base and other characteristics of the unit have been published. TFLs have more extensive publicly available information, including an estimate of the areal extent of THLB.

    The Evergreen Alliance is using this set of maps to do analyses of the extent of logging at a landscape level in comparison to the expected rate of natural disturbance in that landscape unit. Under section 9 of the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation, logging must resemble natural disturbance, both spatially and temporally, at the landscape level.

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